Grief Books

I have read several books on grieving the past few months that have helped me tremendously through this process. There is so much to learn and make yourself aware of so you are prepared for the ups and downs of emotions.

Losing a child makes these processes much more complicated so I truly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the emotions that are yet to come. I hope these grief books are as helpful to you as they were to me.

One of my favorite authors is James Van Praagh who is an Internationally renowned #1 New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen spiritual books.

James Van Praagh is popularly known as one of the best and most accurate spiritual mediums working today.  He provides evidential proof of life after death through his detailed messages.

After losing my son, I needed to know what happens to the spirit after death. It was important for me to understand the different realms of spirituality. This has brought me inner peace. I am so grateful I learned about this to know my son’s spirit is alive.

James Van Praagh is the pioneer of the mediumship movement and thankfully his message of life and death has brought peace and spiritual insight to millions.

If you have a grief book that you would like to share please leave it down below in the comments section. I read so many books now. It used to take me a year to complete a book because I would fall asleep on the second page but not any more! How times have changed! 🙂

Talking to Heaven: A Medium’s Message of Life After Death

by James Van Praagh (Author)

James Van Praagh is a spiritual medium who helps people deal positively with grief. His spiritual gift has assisted many grievers receive messages of hope from their deceased love one. He is able to bridge the spiritual world and physical world.

James Van Praagh learned of his unique gift in his twenties and slowly began to understand his talent. He shares many of his sessions with grievers who wish to come in contact with spirits of their deceased loved ones.

Peace and hope in the afterlife is affirmed. Van Praagh helps the reader positively deal with the pain of grief in a healthy, honest manner. Talking to Heaven will change the way you perceive life…and death.


Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death

Renowned medium James Van Praagh has touched the lives of millions with his extraordinary ability to communicate with the world beyond. He conveys the message that death is not the end and shows us how lessons from the realms beyond death can also teach us to infuse our earthly lives with strength, joy, and love.
In Reaching to Heaven, he continues his transcendent and uplifting message and takes us on a journey of hope, healing, and spiritual growth and enlightenment.

reaching to heaven


Speaking to Heaven

What happens to us when we die? Where is heaven and what is it? How can we communicate with our loved ones after they die? Joseph LoBrutto III is a healer and psychic medium who answers these questions and more.
In his easy style of communicating, Joseph explains the metaphysics of life on earth and how we transition to the world of spirit after we die.
He also shares many stories describing those moments when he connects family members with their deceased loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. Who better to tell us about heaven than those who have already passed on?




How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies

Mourning the death of a loved one is an inevitable process that each one of us will go through at one point in our life. Nobody is prepared for grief. It happens when we least expect it.
There is no correct way to grieve and everyone grieves differently. Dr. Rando will help you understand your own personal grief in her book How to go on Living When Someone Dies.
She assists grievers how to take care of yourself, speak to your children about death, accept the support and help of others, get through difficult times of the year, andplan funerals and bereavement rituals.
Dr. Rando offers the comfort and guidance to help you cope with your loss and without forgetting your treasured  past.
how to go on living


Child Loss: The Heartbreak and the Hope

Clara Hinton speaks from her broken heart from losing her two son’s. She believes the loss of a child will always hold a void and a longing ache for our child that is no longer with us.
She believes we can and will learn to live with this brokenness. Hinton’s hope and prayer is that you will see life in a new perspective and through your heart ache and loss, reach far beyond to find hope.

Child Loss


Ghosts Among Us: Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side

by James Van Praagh

James Van Praagh from a very young age was aware of something unique about himself that most of us do not have. He has dedicated his life explaining this gift to us.

The New York Times bestseller Ghosts Among Us takes us on an incredible journey into the greatest mystery of what happens to us after we die and brings to light €”the spiritual world?

Ghosts Among Us


Heaven and Earth: Making the Psychic Connection 

by James Van Praagh

Many of us question what happens to our souls when our loved ones pass. James Van Praagh, a respected and well-known medium around the world gives the answers to this question.

In his book, Heaven and Earth, Van Praagh shares how to connect with “the other side.” He uses his own experiences and many testimonies of people who have been visited by their loved ones and spirit guides.

Most of us go through our life not developing beautiful God given talent we all have inherited. In Heaven and Earth, Van Praagh encourages us to discover this gift and become aware of how to connect with the past, how to interpret messages from our loved ones, how to recognize the inner voices, and interpret our visitation dreams. He teaches us the tools to bring them to life.

4.6 out of 5 stars – 154 Customer Reviews

Between Two Worlds: Lessons From the Other Side

by Tyler Henry

Tyler Henry is a 21 year-old clairvoyant. He is the star of the reality series Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry on E!. His first book, Between Two Worlds, is a memoir about his journey as a medium so far and how he discovered his talent, he describes as his “knowingness.”

“Dying doesn’t mean having to say goodbye.”

Tyler attempted to accept his talent but soon embraced it and has changed the world. He opens up about his first experience and living his life as a medium.

Tyler’s book shares what it’s like to communicate with those who have passed, lessons we can learn from our loved ones, and the power of symbolism in his readings.

I will continue to add the wonderful books that have healed me and will continue!